Innercore - Voltage Controlled

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After his full-on 'Turbo Sound' on the 'Departure To The Parazone' sampler, Parallax is proud to present you Innercore's Parallax debut EP 'Voltage Controlled'. Those who have been following Matt Wilkins' Innercore Project EP's know he can cover the full range from light to dark and always comes with fresh music, superbly produced and innovative arrangements. Those looking even closer will have recognized that Vali always has been a big supporter from the very start, playing Innercore's music in almost every set and is in charge of the artworks for the ICP EP's. So it was only a matter of time until Innercore would get the release treatment on Parallax. On this 4-tracker the smiley flexes his muscles and brings you his own take of dark and twisted Jungle Techno with a very unique signature sound.
The title track wastes no time and takes you straight into sinister realms. Your
synapses whisper 'ecstasy' to your terrestrial shell while you're in the corner of
a darkened floor, throwing wild shapes to the grinding synths. Suddenly an
uplifting pad transcends the room. You know you should maybe pause and
rehydrate, but the full-throttle rhythm already returns, sucking you straight
back in - there is no escaping from this pulsating groove!
'Fastlane' starts off where A1 let off - another bulletproof rhythm with claps, 808
kicks and electro feel that builds and builds. The tonality stays dark, from the
intro pads to the stone-cold synth line that keeps twisting and turning and finally
culminates in a 303 acid riff. Another addictive tune that will turn many heads!
'24 Track Mix' originally appeared in 2018 on the 'Peace on Wax' label and we
are grateful that DJ Abo gave us permission to put out this 2022 Re-Mix done
by Innercore himself. Starting off with ghosty pads and trippy sounds this one
leads straight into the '24 tracks mixed down to 2' vocal and makes clear that
no prisoners will be taken. This version keeps close to the original vibe, but
every sound is basically fed with steroids and mangled through Matt's updated
production skills. A belter if there ever was one!
'Old Empire' closes the EP and shows another dimension of Innercore's sound
palette. Sinking sound effects keep the dark vibe alive. An assault of running
amens slaps you in the face while a female screams 'All Over Me' - and this tune
really is all over you. Warm pads appear and bring some enlightenment throughout, but the dark synths are just around the corner, ready to attack your sins again!
Parallax - The faster you go the shorter you are!